Traditional Butter Mini Blini’s


16 pieces

These butter blinis, prepared according to traditional recipes, are fantastic to combine with caviar, fish roe and salmon.

Traditional Butter Mini Blini’s


16 pieces

These butter blinis, prepared according to traditional recipes, are fantastic to combine with caviar, fish roe and salmon.


  • Own recipe

  • EC-approved and according to H-ACCP

  • Handsomely packed

  • Traditional format

  • Chilled and delivered quickly

Traditional Butter Mini Blini’s

Blini, a beloved culinary creation hailing from Eastern Europe, occupies a unique place in the realm of gastronomy. These delectable treats are often described as a delightful fusion of a pancake, crepe, and egg cake. With their origins rooted in the rich culinary traditions of the region, blinis have evolved into a versatile dish enjoyed worldwide.

Traditional butter mini blini’s are served hot, and the toppings are only limited by one’s imagination. In Russia, for instance, a dollop of creamy butter is often generously spread on freshly cooked blinis, imparting a rich and comforting flavor. But the creative potential of blinis extends far beyond butter.

They become a canvas for culinary exploration as they harmonize seamlessly with an array of fillings and toppings. It’s not uncommon to encounter blinis adorned with luscious cottage cheese, savory minced meat, succulent salted and smoked fish, or the epitome of luxury: caviar.

The very word “blini” evokes a sense of warmth and comfort. These delectable, bite-sized pancakes bring people together at the table, allowing them to craft their own culinary adventures. Whether you prefer sweet or savory, the adaptability of blinis caters to all palates.

The ideal pairing for blinis is undeniably caviar, a match made in gastronomic heaven.

The delicate, briny spheres of caviar add an opulent touch to the soft, pillowy texture of the blini. This combination tantalizes the taste buds with an exquisite balance of flavors and textures, making it a culinary experience like no other.

So, why not embark on your own journey of blini exploration? Customize them with your favorite ingredients, savor each bite, and share the joy of this classic dish with friends and family. Blinis and caviar are not just a meal; they’re a celebration of diverse flavors, a testament to culinary innovation, and an invitation to create cherished memories around the table. Enjoy the experience, as you combine and savor each delightful moment.


Butter Mini Blini (ø 4.5 cm)
Origin France
Condition Packaged under protected atmosphere
Shelf life -/-18 °C-24 months
Available in pack of 16 pieces